Our tuber sale is planned for January 14 2024 at 2pm Central!
A few important notes...
1. Until you've received an order confirmation, the tubers are available to everyone, even if its in your cart. Purchase what you want most, then come back for seconds if you wish.
2. We will not be able to combine orders.
3. We are a small grower that may only have a couple tubers for certain varieties. We are working to rectify that next season.
4. We only sell individual tubers grown on our property. We inspect for crown and leafy gall, as well as at least one healthy growth eye.
5. Tuber size is not the most important. If you have small or skinny tubers, don't throw them away! If they have a growth eye, and aren't squishy, they are good tubers. Some varieties have small and skinny tubers but they grow as big and healthy plants.
6. WE CANNOT REFUND TUBERS!!!! Contact us with photos at support@flowersmn.com, through Facebook, Instagram, or call us at 218-302-4943 with any problems. Review our Return Policy above for further information.
Thank you for your consideration and support.